Scavenger Hunt CD Post:00
On July 19, 2010 I posted the following note on facebook:
Moons ago Heidi and Nikki G devised a plan to create the perfect Scavenger Hunt CD. A few moons later, a group of my nearest and dearest got together and rose to the challenge. I recently pulled those mix cd's out and one is now in near permanent rotation in my car. That got me thinking...Damn, that was fun. I want more.
So with my big 33 right around the bend - one month from today - I was thinking the perfect gift would be a gazillion Scavenger hunt cd's made just for me! It costs you nothing but time, love and a blank CDR.
Wondering what the hell a Scavenger Hunt cd is? Well, it's pretty simple. I will provide a list below of 14 sets of criteria. Each track must fit the criteria. For instance, if I listed:
1. A song sung by a man named Paul
you could choose "Yesterday" by the Beatles or "Love Gun" by KISS or even a U2 song that isn't one of the three sung by David. Or if I listed:
2. A song you hate by a band you love
i would personally list "Piggies" by the Beatles. Yep, i just admitted to hating a song sung by George Harrison. None of us are perfect.
Sounds fun, right? Ok - so here are the tracks. Some will be easy, some will be tougher. Some will be ridiculous, and some will be wild cards of sorts.
Have fun and make it reflect you as much as me. Don't get worried about things like "Oh - doesn't Heidi HATE the Kings of Leon?" (Answer: oh, yes. she does)
Here goes:
1. Your favorite Beatles song (if you don't like them, fake it and don't tell me)
2. A rock song with banjo (in a pinch, other non-guitar stringed instruments acceptable)
3. A song you think I'd enjoy and have probably never heard
4. A song from a movie soundtrack
5. A britpop song
6. A song that references Shakespeare
7. A song to dance my ass off to
8. A song sung by an actor (but if you love me, no 30 Seconds to mars)
9. A song making reference to the animal kingdom
10. Something released in 1977
11. WILD CARD - your favorite song RIGHT NOW or ever
12. A song where the title is nowhere to be found among the lyrics
13. An deceptively upbeat song with dark or sinister lyrics (ex. the Cure's entire catalog)
14. A song sung by a European that is NOT a Brit, but actually from the continent
15. A cover of a Beatles song
It is now August 26 - and my best friend's birthday, might i add - and I have received at last count 16 of these disks from a variety of loved ones.
I have decided to revive i(heart)supergrass - despite the fact that they have recently broken up on me - with musings on the tracks that my loved ones found in their hunts. In lieu of posting each track list individually, however, I will dedicate one post to each track and include my observations, such as, "you people love Norwegian Wood" or "can you tell we're a bunch of Gen Xers who loved Trainspotting?" Post: 01 Favorite beatles song to appear soon.
I also encourage anyone who did not participate in the original hunt to participate now if they'd like to. You can send me a disk (message me for where to send) or you can post a comment to this very post with your ideal track list.
here's to keeping the memory of my beloved Supergrass alive by re-instituting my music blog, named in their great honor.
Post Script: my own track list, if I were making a cd for myself
1. Your favorite Beatles song :
IN MY LIFE (Rubber Soul)
2. A rock song with banjo or other non-guitar:
( i would cheat and use uke) Postcards from Italy by Beirut
3. A song you think I'd enjoy and have probably never heard:
(hmmm. a conundrum) insert new Arcade Fire here b/c shamefully i haven't heard any of it yet
4. A song from a movie soundtrack:
Plainsong by the Cure - my favorite movie moment in Marie Antoinette
5. A britpop song:
I Wanna Be Adored by the Stone Roses
6. A song that references Shakespeare:
The Island by the Decemberists, you cannot tell me that that isn't The Tempest, people
7. A song to dance my ass off to:
Banquet by Bloc Party my dance jam
8. A song sung by an actor (but if you love me, no 30 Seconds to mars):
anything by Riding the Low, cos I love you Paddy Considine
9. A song making reference to the animal kingdom:
Mansize Rooster by Supergrass cos it's AWESOME
10. Something released in 1977:
(Sweet) Melissa by the Allman Bros. cos it's why i am Heidi Melissa
11. WILD CARD - your favorite song RIGHT NOW or ever:
Tempted by Squeeze Ever
12. A song where the title is nowhere to be found among the lyrics:
Acquiesce by Oasis - damn i love that song.
13. An deceptively upbeat song with dark or sinister lyrics (ex. the Cure's entire catalog):
Dirty Harry by Gorillaz - awesome beat, but a song about all kindsa badness
14. A song sung by a European that is NOT a Brit, but actually from the continent:
since i permitted Scandinavia, I would have to honor that - and my hair metal roots - by choosing Rock the Night by Europe
15. A cover of a Beatles song:
Golden Slumbers by Ben Folds hands down my favorite Beatles cover ever
Labels: birthday, music, scavenger hunt