Thursday, September 22, 2005


warning: a small heidi-rant to follow

though i can't put my finger on it, something brought this episode to mind today.

months ago, when the latest gorillaz album was just released, some of the guys did an instore at atlanta's finest indie record store. along with the rest of the masses, i got to the shop about a half hour before the scheduled signings, bought my copy and took my place in line with the tweeny skater boys and the veteran britpoppers. an eclectic crowd, it warmed my heart.

but standing in line, i heard this chick (because i am sorry but it's the only word to dignify her with) going on loud enough to make herself heard, declaring, "i don't really know any of this gorillaz or whatever it is stuff. i am just here because i am blur fan from way back in the day." (almost verbatim... but the content is accurate)

a) she was younger than me so "way back in the day" would have made her 12 or 13 tops. now maybe she's an anomaly like myself who managed to avoid the new kids on the block/vanilla ice virus... and call me an elitist or a cynic or what you will, but i don't think so, sister. after all, my vaccination came in the form of hair metal... which could be potentially as embarrassing. i didn't see many generation nexters jumping on board until well after the "wonderwall" extravaganza.

b) and most importantly - if she were half the grand blur fan she wanted to us to know she was, she would know gorillaz stuff. because it involves damon, thus involving blur. she would care about what he's doing, because she's one of his biggest fans from way back. she would be supporting his recent endeavors, or at the very least be aware of and acknowledge them. as it stood, she'd discounted herself when she discounted gorillaz. and every true old school blur fan in that line (with their kids) was quietly and tactfully mocking her on the inside.

i was a very late blur bloomer. i sadly admit to that. but in spite of it, as i am a current blur fan, anything any one of them involves themselves in, is at least of interest to me. i don't gotta like it, but it's at least worthy of my attention.

the real reason it got under my skin though, was because in making her announcement, she was in a sense or perhaps purposefully belittling those surrounding her who may be yet-to-bloom blur fans or who were really there just to meet jamie or danger mouse... (or who were intrigued by three incredibly beautiful men at one table all of whom contributed to one of what i consider the awesomest albums to come out all year). screw her and all the phonies like her.

what i am failing to get at here, i suppose, is this: being a fan doesn't mean you have to pove yourself. and you shouldn't feel threatened when a lot of people appreciate your band. be proud of them. them the band and them the people who see the light and thus perpetuate the band's means to continue on doing great stuff.

i don't mean you can't scoff at the twits in front of you at the show who talk through the songs they don't know and make weird "wtf?" faces at each other until the big ballad radio hit surfaces in the playlist. fucking mock those bitches for all their worth.

but don't show up at a gorillaz signin and get all bristled up and thinking you're better than the 14-year-olds in front of you just because you heard "song 2" first.


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